Toilet Training For Preschool And Stuck in Neutral? Here’s Why…..

Many of my clients are in a rush to get their kid trained in the next few weeks for school. They have been making some headway over the summer, but things can stall out half-way through.  Here are some common reasons (but probably not all of them) why kids hit a plateau: They lose that…… Continue reading Toilet Training For Preschool And Stuck in Neutral? Here’s Why…..

Toilet Training Older Kids: Equipment Matters as Much as Approach

Is potty training after the toddler years different?  Yes, and no.  Here is what you need to consider when you are looking at the equipment for an older child that is still in a diaper or a pull-up.  Whether they have language or not, whether they have rigid or stereotyped behaviors or not, your set-up…… Continue reading Toilet Training Older Kids: Equipment Matters as Much as Approach

The Ten Most Common Mistakes Parents Make During Toilet Training

Since writing The Practical Guide To Toilet Training Your Child With Low Muscle Tone, I have been asked for a list of missteps that happen on the way to success.  Here they are: Ignoring their own readiness issues.  Parents who are unaware of their own lack of readiness will not be able to be the…… Continue reading The Ten Most Common Mistakes Parents Make During Toilet Training

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