Screens, Sleep, and the Special Needs Child

  Since becoming a  certified sleep therapist   I am now helping  an OT client with their struggle to fall asleep.  The child is taking stimulant medication as well as an anti-anxiety medication.  Both drugs contributing to his difficultly falling asleep in the evening.  The side effect profiles of these drugs are not surprising.  The ASD…… Continue reading Screens, Sleep, and the Special Needs Child

Sleepless ADHD/ASD Kid Taking Stimulants? A Drug-Free Solution

  This happens all the time; the drug that is supposed to be metabolized doing the day can still disrupt sleep at night.  One of my clients is begging his father to make his brain “turn off” so he can sleep at 11:30PM!  It only has a half-life of 12 hours folks.  It is still…… Continue reading Sleepless ADHD/ASD Kid Taking Stimulants? A Drug-Free Solution

The Secret Weapon To Get Your Autistic Child Sleeping Better

You will need to address your own sleep skills.  This is more than the classic “Put your mask on before trying to place a mask over your child’s mouth” on an airplane.  Raising a child with autism is a lot of work.  A lot of love, but a lot of time and effort.  Nothing is…… Continue reading The Secret Weapon To Get Your Autistic Child Sleeping Better

Why Letting Your Child Snack All Day Can Damage Their Sleep Quality

I wanted to make the title stronger, more click-able.  But in the end, I am not writing this blog to grab views.  I am writing it to help people support children’s health.  So I couldn’t use words like “destroy” or “torpedo”.  But I wanted to.  Because something as simple as snacking every hour or so…… Continue reading Why Letting Your Child Snack All Day Can Damage Their Sleep Quality

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