Why Using a Chair Correctly is SO Difficult for Hypermobile Kids and Adults

I spend a fair amount of time teaching hypermobile people of all ages how their sitting position affects their ability to write, keyboard, or do just about anything.  And of course, we want hypermobile people to have a stronger core while sitting.  But their chair can help them.  It is not a crutch. Yup.  Use…… Continue reading Why Using a Chair Correctly is SO Difficult for Hypermobile Kids and Adults

Hypermobility, Sleep, And The Hidden Problems With Blankets

Everyone knows that sleep is important.  Research in sleep science (yes, this is a thing) tells us that our brains are working to digest the day’s learning, the immune system is active during sleep, and our bodies are repairing and renewing tissues and organs while we slumber.  As much as we need sleep, kids need…… Continue reading Hypermobility, Sleep, And The Hidden Problems With Blankets

Can Hypermobility Cause Speech Problems?

As a pediatric OT, many of my clients have speech and feeding problems that are attributed to low muscle tone.  Very often, that is where assessment ends.  Perhaps it shouldn’t.  Joint hypermobility can also create issues such as dysarthria, disfluency and poor voice/breath control.  It isn’t only about oral muscles and muscle coordination for feeding.…… Continue reading Can Hypermobility Cause Speech Problems?