The Not-So-Secret Solution for Your Child With Motor And Sensory Issues: Dycem

In adult rehab, occupational therapists are regularly providing patients who have incoordination, muscle weakness or joint instability with both skill-building activities and adaptive equipment such as Dycem.  In pediatrics, you see a predominance of skills training.  Adaptive equipment shows up primarily for the most globally and pervasively disabled children.  I think that should change. Why?  Because…… Continue reading The Not-So-Secret Solution for Your Child With Motor And Sensory Issues: Dycem

The Hypermobile Hand: More Than A Strength Problem

I just received another referral for a kid with “weak’ hands.  Can’t hold a pencil correctly, can’t make a dark enough mark on paper when he writes or colors.  But his mom says he has quite a grip on an object when he doesn’t want to hand something over.  He plays soccer without problems and…… Continue reading The Hypermobile Hand: More Than A Strength Problem

Hypermobility in Young Children: When Flexibility Isn’t Functional

Your grandma would have called it being ” double jointed”.   Your mom might mention that she was the most flexible person in every yoga class she attended.  But when extra joint motion reduces your child’s performance or creates pain, parents get concerned.  Sometimes pediatricians and orthopedists do not. Why would that happen?  A measure…… Continue reading Hypermobility in Young Children: When Flexibility Isn’t Functional

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