Why Telling Your Child “It’s OK” Doesn’t Calm Him Down (And What To Do Instead)

  In a few months I will be doing another lecture on managing difficult toddler behaviors, and I can’t wait.  I love teaching parents, therapists and caregivers how to help young children manage their most difficult behaviors.   The responses that most therapists dread (crying, whining, tantrums, etc.) are the ones I hope will happen…… Continue reading Why Telling Your Child “It’s OK” Doesn’t Calm Him Down (And What To Do Instead)

Use The Fast Food Rule to Help ASD Toddlers Handle Change

Kids With ASD can react strongly to changes in their routines or environments.  Even changing the location of furniture they don’t even use can create screaming and aggression.  Why?  Often they use their external concept of home and environment to provide internal consistency, structure, and spatial comprehension.  We all do, in reality.  Ask anyone who…… Continue reading Use The Fast Food Rule to Help ASD Toddlers Handle Change