Reduce Your Autistic Child’s Chances of Being Sexually Abused by Toilet Training Them

No parent wants to think about this subject. Not one. But it is essential to realize that abuse happens.   The statistics are concerning.  The majority of abuse continues to happen in the same locations as for neurotypical kids:  the child’s home, relative’s homes, and the homes of family friends.  But because autistic children also…… Continue reading Reduce Your Autistic Child’s Chances of Being Sexually Abused by Toilet Training Them

Make Life with Your Special Needs Child Easier: The Special Needs Toileting Handout Pack is Finally Here!

After writing The Practical Guide to Toilet Training the Autistic Child  I got a lot of feedback on how great the book was.  And how long.  It seems that some professionals and a lot of parents are so crushed for time that they wanted a “Cliff Notes” version (showing my age, I guess…!)  So I decided…… Continue reading Make Life with Your Special Needs Child Easier: The Special Needs Toileting Handout Pack is Finally Here!

Can You Toilet Train a Non-Verbal Child?

Parents of non-verbal children often delay toilet training, assuming that these kids need more communication skills to be successful.  I disagree.  I think children and their parents need other skills more.  Here are my thoughts about what really matters for these kids: Their parents need excellent observation skills.  A child that cannot easily communicate their…… Continue reading Can You Toilet Train a Non-Verbal Child?

Why Do Some Kids With ASD and SPD Refuse Toilet Training?

Toilet training is one of the few self-care skills that fall primarily on special needs parents.  Speech therapists, feeding therapists, occupational therapists and ABA instructors all do assessments and create plans.  Hints on toilet training from your therapy team are often very helpful, but “the boots on the ground” are yours as a parent.  You…… Continue reading Why Do Some Kids With ASD and SPD Refuse Toilet Training?

Low Tone and Toilet Training: Parents And Children Need To Work Together

This one is simple to explain, but not so easy to achieve with some kids.  Children whose interactional pattern is defiance or whining are going to be much harder to train, regardless of whether or not they have significant issues with low muscle tone.  In fact,  I would rather coach a very physically unstable but…… Continue reading Low Tone and Toilet Training: Parents And Children Need To Work Together

Low Tone and Toilet Training: Transition to Using The Adult Toilet

Once the potty seat has been mastered, the question soon becomes: How is she going to use a regular toilet?  Most younger children use a step stool and an insert to sit securely on an adult toilet.  Kids with low tone often need a little more assistance to get up there and stay stable. Here…… Continue reading Low Tone and Toilet Training: Transition to Using The Adult Toilet

Why Low Muscle Tone Creates More Toilet Training Struggles for Toddlers (and Parents!)

Most parents assume that toilet training a child with low tone (also called hypotonia) isn’t going to be easy. A child with low muscle tone often crawls later, walks later, and may speak later.  But  low tone can affect toilet training in ways both obvious and subtle.  As an occupational therapist, I want to share…… Continue reading Why Low Muscle Tone Creates More Toilet Training Struggles for Toddlers (and Parents!)

Toilet Training Strategies for Children With Autism and Sensory Processing Issues

These strategies have worked for a wide range of children on the spectrum and/or those with sensory processing issues.  Every child is different, but the following techniques are the best I know for most families: Time potty time about 20-30 minutes after meals and snacks.  The act of digestion and drinking should stimulate urination and…… Continue reading Toilet Training Strategies for Children With Autism and Sensory Processing Issues

Sensory Processing Issues And Toilet Training Your Toddler: The Overview

Toilet training is never fun.  At it’s best, a sweetly cooperative child quickly connects urges with actions, and parents deal with an occasional accident.  In a few short weeks or months, you feel free to go anywhere without extra clothes, creme, wipes and diapers. Not when a child has difficulty processing sensory information.  Sensory processing…… Continue reading Sensory Processing Issues And Toilet Training Your Toddler: The Overview