Help Your Child Develop Self-Regulation With Happiest Toddler On The Block

  Children start learning self-regulation early.  Most kids eventually become reasonably skilled at it, given some help from loving adults.  The problem is they don’t learn it quickly.  Self-regulation takes a long time to become established in the slowly-developing brain of a young child.  While you are scooping up the puddle of Jell-O that used…… Continue reading Help Your Child Develop Self-Regulation With Happiest Toddler On The Block

Use The Fast Food Rule For Better Attunement With Your Child

What’s attunement?  The physical and emotional connection that a healthy parent makes with their upset child that brings them both back into a calm and balanced state.  Why is it important?  Because without attunement you don’t have healthy attachment, and attachment is the foundation for a healthy emotional and interpersonal life.  Attunement and attachment are…… Continue reading Use The Fast Food Rule For Better Attunement With Your Child